House members of Pennsylvania vote to designate 2023 as the Taylor Swift era.




For Taylor Swift's 34th Birthday, Celebrate Her Life and Career By the  Numbers from 1 to 34


Although Taylor Swift sings about her home state of Pennsylvania in her song “Seven” and makes a reference to the Philadelphia Eagles in her song “Gold Rush,” the state of Pennsylvania is now praising her with a new resolution.

It was on Swift’s 34th birthday that state senators gave their approval to the idea, which would make the year 2023 Pennsylvania’s “Taylor Swift era.”

Although Taylor Swift sings about her home state of Pennsylvania in her song “Seven” and makes a reference to the Philadelphia Eagles in her song “Gold Rush,” the state of Pennsylvania is now praising her with a new resolution.

It was on Swift’s 34th birthday that state senators gave their approval to the idea, which would make the year 2023 Pennsylvania’s “Taylor Swift era.”

When House Resolution 282 was presented to the chamber on Wednesday evening, it was only narrowly approved with 103 votes in favor and 100 votes against. Representatives Danielle Friel Otten, Jennifer O’Mara, Johanny Cepeda-Freytiz, Robert Freeman, Benjamin V. Sanchez, Arvind Venkat, Jose Giral, and Maureen E. Madden were the ones who initially proposed the idea.When House Resolution 282 was presented to the chamber on Wednesday evening, it was only narrowly approved with 103 votes in favor and 100 votes against. Representatives Danielle Friel Otten, Jennifer O’Mara, Johanny Cepeda-Freytiz, Robert Freeman, Benjamin V. Sanchez, Arvind Venkat, Jose Giral, and Maureen E. Madden were the ones who initially proposed the idea.

During her tour, Taylor Swift made stops in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, where she boosted the local economy, contributed revenues to charities that help alleviate hunger, and urged thousands of people, particularly young people, to register to vote, according to the sponsors of her tour.

In addition, the resolution emphasized the accomplishments of the Pennsylvania native in this year, including the fact that he was selected as the Person of the Year by Time Magazine in 2023.
“Recognizing the year 2023 as the ‘Taylor Swift Era’ in Pennsylvania, in celebration of Ms. Swift’s recent selection as TIME Magazine’s 2023 Person of the Year and acknowledgment of her positive impact on Pennsylvania’s economy, voter registration numbers, consumer protections and pro-labor practices,” the document states.

Taylor Swift | Biography, Albums, Songs, & Facts | Britannica
Also included in the resolution is a description of the pop diva as a “role model” who has provided “joy to a society that is desperately in need of it.”

The resolution continues by saying “Ms. Swift shines as a role model of courage, self acceptance and self-determination, persisting in the face of personal and professional obstacles and challenges.”

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